Person 1

Gabriella Fike is a Senior working towards her undergraduate degree in Data Science. She is currently interning at Baird with the PWM Data and Analytics department. She is currently looking for work opportunities after graduation.

Person 2

Violet Wang is a Junior pursuing her Master's degree in Data Science with the Marquette ADP. She currently is interning with Marquette Athletics and is looking for internships in Data Analysis for this upcoming summer.

Person 3

Eric Bryniarski is a Senior pursuing his undergraduate degree in both Computer Science and Data Science. He Will be working a full-time position as an Embedded Software Engineer at Northrop Grumman after graduation.

Person 4

Caldwell Gluesing is currently working towards his Master's in Applied Statistics with Marquette ADP. He currently works as an intern at Fiserv and accepted a Data Science internship from Kohler for this upcoming summer.

Person 5

Christian Scwartz is a Senior pursuing his undergraduate in Data Science. He interned at Colder's Furniture, Mattresses, and Appliances. He is hoping to continue there full-time as a Junior Data Scientist.

Person 6

Rajib Alam is a Senior pursuing his undergraduate in both Data Science and Computer Science. He interned at Northwestern Mutual as a Software Engineer and will be continuing to work there after this years graduation.

Person 7

Rebecca Mathews is a Senior pursuing her undergraduate in Data Science. She is currently interning at the Illinois Student Assistance Commission.